Discover how to use the Publisher Configuration: Rev-Share tab to set additional payout scheme for the publisher.
The Rev-Share tab allows you to set an additional payout scheme for the Publisher. Settings contain General settings, settings Per Channel, and a Bucket Bank.

How to set up Publisher's Default Rev-Share Configuration read in the Knowledge Base.
To set up the Rev-Share option for a single channel choose the “Per Channel” tab.

The table shows the list of Publisher’s Channels with Rev-Share settings data.
To manage the existing settings, choose the required Channel from the list and click the “Configure” button.

The drop-down block provides the same settings as in the “General” tab - Rev-Share Model, Call duration to count a sold (Call Logic only), and Percent. To complete, fill in the data fields and click the “Save All” button.
The third tab allows you to configure the Bucket Bank option. Bucket Bank allows you to accumulate a certain amount of money on the Publisher’s balance. In the system, the leads will appear with a Reject status, and only when the balance reaches the necessary amount, a Sold status will appear.
Find more details about the Bucket Bank option in the Knowledge Base.