TrueCall is a comprehensive system for validating consumer-initiated phone calls and the journey leading up to them.
This allows businesses to analyze the authenticity and origin of a consumer-initiated call to ensure compliance with relevant marketing laws and prevent unwanted and possibly fraudulent calls.
What is needed to implement TrueCall?
- Your website that generates inbound calls
- A call tracking platform with Dynamic Number Insertion functionality (Read more about the Number Pools in our Knowledge Base article).
- Basic web developer knowledge
Clients who use Phonexa’s Call Logic can implement TrueCall at the Product, Publisher, and Campaign levels. To accomplish this, you'll need to place Phonexa’s widget script, the TrueCall script that generates your tc_id, and Phonexa’s script to capture the tc_id and pass it to the Phonexa system on the landing page. Once calls hit the Phonexa system, the tc_id will automatically be tracked and passed to end users as needed.
Part I: Setting Up Tracking Pools
To create the Phone Number Pool, go to the Publisher Management > Setup > Phone Numbers section and select the “Phone Number Reservation” tab.
Click the “Reserve” button next to the phone number group and in the following pop-up window enter the number of phone numbers to reserve.
Go to the Publisher Management > Promo Materials > Call Tracking section. Click the “Add New Tracking Pool” button and in the pop-up window enter the name and select the Product and the Publisher.
To assign phone numbers for tracking pools, select the tracking pool from the list and click the “Phone Number List” button in the “Actions” column. Click the “Add Phone Number” button and in the pop-up window, select one of the available reserved phone numbers and click the “Add Phone” button.
Read more about the call tracking configuration in the Knowledge Base article.
Click the “Tracking Widget Setting” button and use the data from the “Installation Information” block adding it to the Page.
Part II: Installing the TrueCall Script
1. Add the TrueCall script to the head of your website as the first script before any other scripts. 2. Add this class to your HTML tag, where you have the phone number displayed
Part III: How to Add TrueCall on the Product Level
To implement TrueCall on the Product level, go to the System Management > Products section, click the “Configure” button next to the selected Product, and go to the “Tracking” tab.
Click the “Add Rule” button, select one of the events that trigger the action, and select the Ping URL as the triggered action. Click the “Next” button and fill in the following fields:
- Method: Select the Method (POST/FORM).
- Publisher: Select the Publisher.
- Channel: Select the Channel.
- Source: Select the Source.
- Buyer: Select the Buyer.
- Campaign: Select the Campaign.
- Pingtree: Select the Pingtree.
- Price Restrictions: Select the Price restrictions (Price is greater than 0, Price is greater than a certain value, Price is greater than or equal to a certain value, Price is lower than a certain value, Price is lower than or equal to a certain value, Price range inclusive). Note: The “Price range inclusive” value is available only for the “Lead Sold” and “Campaign Sold” triggers.
- Price Restriction Value: Enter the price value.
- Min Price: Enter the minimum price value to trigger the rule by the price range (available only for the “Price range inclusive” value in the “Price Restrictions” field).
- Max Price: Enter the maximum price value to trigger the rule by the price range (available only for the “Price range inclusive” value in the “Price Restrictions” field).
The “Action Settings / Ping Url” block allows you to configure the action required for the rule setup:
- Method: Select the request type (GET/POST);
- URL: Enter the TrueCall API URL as provided in the example using the required placeholders. To view the list of placeholders, click the “Show available placeholders” button.
- Content-Type: Select the data format to transfer (application/x-www-form-urlencoded / application/json / application/xhtml+xml).
- Do Not Encode Placeholders in Url (NOT SAFE): Check the box to skip encoding of the placeholders.
- Use Twig Engine: Check the box to use the Twig Engine.
- Body: Enter the parameters you want to transfer. To view the list of placeholders, click the “Show available placeholders” button.
- Basic Auth: Enter the authorization data. Click the “Show Example” to view the required format.
- HTTP Headers: Enter the required HTTP headers. To view the list of placeholders, click the “Show available placeholders” button.
- Ignore SSL Certificate: Check the box to ignore the SSL certificate.
Click the “Save Rule” button to confirm.
How to Add TrueCall on the Campaign Level
To implement the TrueCall on the Campaign level, go to the Client Management > Setup > Campaigns section, click the “Configure” button next to the selected Campaign and go to the “Tracking” tab. Click the “Add Rule” button and follow the instructions described above.
How to Add TrueCall on the Publisher Level
To implement TrueCall on the Publisher level, go to the Publisher Management > Publishers section, click the “Edit” button next to the selected Publisher, and go to the “Tracking” tab. Click the “Add Rule” button and follow the instructions described above.
Read about how to set up the Event Tracking feature in the Phonexa system in this Knowledge Base article, and particularly the article on the Event Tracking Type: Ping URL.
To test the TrueCall setup, the Pages section in Phonexa can be used. Pages section is a tool that stores your snippets up to 20000 symbols in length.
To proceed with the test go to the System Management > General > Pages section. To add a new page, click the “Add Page” button and fill in the following fields in the "Add Page" pop-up window:
- Name: Enter the name of the new page.
- Short Name: Enter the short name of the page.
- Content: Fill in the initial widget script of the page, the TrueCall script that generates your tc_id as well as Phonexa’s script to capture that tc_id and pass it to the Phonexa system.
- Rate Limiter: Select the option for the rate limitation. This limitation is for the number of page openings and loading per particular time range.
- Visibility: Select the publicity level of the page. Mark the checkbox to give all users access to the page using the direct link. If the checkbox is not marked, the page is accessible by the direct link and a key. The access key is generated automatically for this option. You can view the key in the URL of the page.
Click the “Save” button to confirm.
Example of the script for the Content field:
var script = document.createElement('script'); = "__tc_script";
script.src = "";
script.setAttribute('data-campaign_uuid', "******************************");
setTimeout(function() { document.body.appendChild(script); }, 1000 );
<div class="widget-***************">NONUMBERELEMENT</div>
<a class="__tc_dni_phone" href="tel:{%phone%}">{%phone%}</a>
<script src="YOUR_URL"></script>
<script src="YOUR_URL"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
var tPar = {};
var ivrData = {};
var runCount = 0;
var maxRetries = 5;
function waitScript () {
if (runCount >= maxRetries) {
return false;
var tc_id = omParamsStore.getUrlItem('tc_id');
if (tc_id !== '' && typeof(omPwSetCustomData) === 'function') {
ivrData = {
tc_id: tc_id || '', // get email from URL
omPwSetCustomData(tPar, ivrData, function (data) { });
} else {
runCount += 1;
setTimeout(waitScript, 2000);
Read more about the Pages in our Knowledge Base article.
Result: When a call hits the Phonexa system, it will automatically track the tc_id and pass it to the end users as needed.
To see the TrueCall logs, go to the All Reports > Publisher Reports > Call Details section, click the Lead’s ID, and select the “Tracking Log” tab.
Click the “Log” button to view log details such as URL, Response Body, and Response Status, and confirm the action in the following pop-up window.