Find out how to add or customize widgets, track calls, and access detailed call analytics in our quick guide to the Call Tracking section.
The Call Tracking feature allows you to add and customize the widgets on your website to receive and track your calls while obtaining detailed analytics for further analysis.
How to find the widget settings in your system
How to install the widget on your website
How to customize the widget button
How to define the required number of the tracking pool phone numbers
To access and configure the feature, go to the Publisher Management > Promo Materials > Call Tracking section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- Publisher: Select the Publisher.
- Status: Select the tracking pool status (Empty / Active / Disabled).
The Call Tracking section contains the following information:
- ID: The unique identification number of the widget.
- Name: The name of the widget.
- Product: The name of the Product the widget is assigned to.
- Publisher: The name of the Publisher.
- Status: The tracking pool status (Empty / Active / Disabled).
- Phone Numbers: The quantity of the phone numbers assigned to the tracking pool.
- Routing: The routing method (Default (IVR) / Direct (Campaign) / Specific IVR / Ping Tree).
The first block of the “Call Tracking” section contains the tabs that correspond with the tabs of the “Call Tracking Summary” report, which you can also access in the Analytics and Optimization > Publisher Analytics > Call Tracking Summary section. Read about the Call Tracking Summary report in the Knowledge Base article.
To create a new tracking pool, click the “Add New Tracking Pool” button. Fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:
Name: Enter the name of the tracking pool.
Product: Select the Product.
Publisher: Select the Publisher.
To complete, click the “Create” button. Note: Once the tracking pool is created, it cannot be modified.
To assign phone numbers for tracking pools, select the tracking pool from the list and click the “Phone Number List” button in the “Actions” column. The Tracking Pool Phone Numbers list contains all of the phone numbers assigned to your tracking pool, including their general information, divided by columns:
Phone: The phone number.
Shown At: The date and time the phone number was assigned to the tracking pool.
Release At The date and time the phone number will become unassigned from the tracking pool.
Last Client ID: The last client ID the phone number was attached to.
To remove and unassign the phone number from the tracking pool, select the phone number from the list and click the “Remove” button in the “Actions” column.
To assign a new phone number to the tracking pool, click the “Add Phone Number” button. In the pop-up window, select one of the available reserved phone numbers and click the “Add Phone” button. To narrow down the list of available numbers, use the “Phone Number” and “Last Updated” filters. Read how to assign the Phone Number to a Publisher in this Knowledge Base article.
To configure the Tracking Pool settings, select the pool from the Call Tracking list and click the “Call Settings” button in the “Actions” column. Fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:
- Name: Enter the name of the tracking pool.
- Product: The name of the selected Product.
- Greeting Audio File: Select the audio for the call greeting (if available).
- Finishing Audio File: Select the audio for the end of the call (if available).
- Routing method: Select the preferable routing method (Default (IVR) / Direct (Campaign) / Specific IVR / Direct Ping Tree).
- Campaign/IVR/Ping Tree: Select the Campaign, IVR, or Ping Tree scheme for directing the call.
- Rejection Audio File: Select the default audio file that will be played in case of rejection. To upload a new file, click the “Media > Audio Messages” link or go to the mentioned system section. Read more about the Audio Messages system section in the following Knowledge Base article.
- Override Direct Call Ping Tree: Select the ping tree you want to prioritize for the direct call.
- Optimize pool numbers usage: Select the 'Yes" value to issue the first number added to the pool in all cases when the publisher posts the lead data, including the lead phone number.
To save the configuration, click the “Update” button.
To access the widget configuration, select the pool from the Call Tracking list and click the “Tracking Pool Widget” button in the “Actions” column.
Each widget can be used only for a specific website and Google Analytics ID.

To start the configuration, fill in the following fields in the “Main Settings” block:
- Allowed Domains: List the domains that will contain the widget. You can fill in domains separated by a comma or one per line. (Example:
- Widget for Public Feed: Check the box to make the widget public.
To install the widget for your website, use the script provided in the “Installation Information” block of settings:
- UUID: The unique identification number. To copy, click the “Copy UUID” button.
- Widget Code: To acquire the widget code for your website, select the preferred mode according to your needs:
- Placeholder Mode: Insert the {%phone%} placeholder on your website and add the provided code at the end of the website page. To copy the script, click the “Copy Code” button.
- Element Mode: Insert the provided element on your website and add the provided code at the end of the website page. This way the “Call” button can be customized through the CSS. To copy the script code, click the “Copy Code” button.
To view the code for triggering the call tracking script to run on the specific event, click the “Advanced Settings” button. To copy the code for further placement on your webpage, click the “Copy Code” button.

The “Widget Customization” block allows you to manage the appearance of the widget button on the desktop website or mobile version.
The following settings are available:
- View Type: Select the preferable view type of the widget (Button, Plain Text).
- Plain Text: The option replaces the placeholder with the phone number.
- “Call now” Button: The option replaces the placeholder with the button - you get the phone number by clicking it.
The following settings are available for the “Button” view type of widget:
- View Size: Select the size of the button (Default, Small, Large, XL).
- Phone Mask: Select the type of the phone number formatting mask. Note: The phone number masking will affect only the phone number display.
- Button Text: Enter the text that will be displayed on the button. Note: If you leave this field blank - the phone number will be displayed.
The “Static UI (optional)” block contains general settings for the button appearance, such as Color, Background, Border color, Border width (px), and Border radius (px).
The “Hover UI (optional)” block contains settings of the button appearance when the user is hovering it, such as Color, Background, and Border color.
Click the “Save” button to complete the settings.
Below the widget page, you may see a preview of the widget.

The accuracy of analytics using the Call Tracking feature depends on the number of reserved phone numbers for the tracking pool. If the number of your website visits increases, it is suggested to reserve more phone numbers. To define the right proportion, use the following formulas according to the selected widget view type:
Plain Text: Accumulate the average number of website visits according to the formula:
(The number of visits for the last 72 hours) / 3 / 100
For the last 72 hours, you had 4900 visits. As a result, it is suggested to have 17 reserved phone numbers in the tracking pool. Non-integer numbers should be rounded up.
4900 / 3 / 100 = 16.3
If you are using third-party website analytics, it is suggested to monitor the number of visits by hours. The maximum number of visits per hour is the required number of reserved phone numbers for the tracking pool.
Usually, there are about 20 visits per hour to your website. Around 12 am, there's a peak number of visits, which is 28. This means you have to assign 28 phone numbers for the tracking pool.
“Call now” button: It is suggested to monitor the number of calls by hours. The maximum number of calls per hour is the required number of reserved phone numbers for the tracking pool.
Usually, there are about 10 calls per hour received from your website. But around 12 am, there’s a peak number of calls, which is 17. This means you have to assign 17 phone numbers for the tracking pool.