How To Create An Email Campaign

The Campaigns section allows you to view the list of all available Email Campaigns, run and manage them. You can create a new email campaign and duplicate existing ones.




To create the Campaign, go to the Email Campaigns > Campaigns section.

Click the “Add Campaign” button to insert the new campaign into the list. Fill in the name of the campaign in the “Name” field, and click the “Add” button to complete.

Add Campaign

Click the “Configure” button in the “Actions” column to open the campaign settings.

The Campaign Setup module contains the following tabs:


The “Global” tab allows you to view and manage general campaign settings.

The “Global” tab contains the following information:

  • Created Date: The date and time when the campaign was created.

  • Launched Date: The date and time when the campaign was launched.

  • Campaign Name: The name of the campaign.

  • Folder fields contain:

    • Select: Select a folder from the existing ones.

    • Or Create New: Enter the name of the folder.

Fill in the information and click the “Save” button to complete. You can also use the “Save and Next” button to complete the settings and be redirected to the next tab.

Click the “Validate Campaign Settings” button to verify that you have completed all the steps necessary to make this campaign live.

Click the “Delete Campaign” button to remove the campaign from the system.

To start the campaign, click the “Start Campaign” button in the top right corner.

List Options



The “List Options” tab allows you to configure the campaign’s contact options. The “List Options” tab contains the following data fields:

  • Allowed E-Validation Status: Select the E-Validation status of the contact you will be sending the email to (Verified, Undeliverable, Catch All, Role or Distribution Group, Malformed, SpamTrap, Complainer, Bot, Seed Account, Unknown, Unauthorized, Disposable Email).
  • Exclude Domains: Select the parameters to filter out which domains will not receive the email notifications.
  • Contact List: Select a contact list from the existing one (To create a list go to the List Management > All Contacts section. Click the “Add New” button and choose “Create New List”).
    Note: Read more about How To Create A Contact List in this Knowledge Base article.
  • Enable Send List in Random Order: Check the box to send the list in random order.
  • Enable List Priority: Check the box to prioritize the contact lists sending order (top first, bottom last).
    Note: You need to have two or more lists to enable this option.
  • Exclude List: Select an exclude list from the existing one (To create a list go to the List Management > All Contacts section. Click the “Add New” button and choose “Create New List”).
  • Enable list priority: Select which list will be a priority. Note: You will need to have two or more contact lists to be able to prioritize a list.

  • Unsubscribe List: Select an unsubscribe list from the existing one (To create a new unsubscribe list, go to Suppression Management > Unsubscribe Lists section. Click on ‘Add Unsubscribe List’).

    Note: Read more about How To Create An Unsubscribe List in this Knowledge Base article.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can also use the “Save and Next” button to complete the settings and be redirected to the next tab.


Campaign Automation

The “Campaign Automation” tab allows you to manage automation configuration and flow.


You can select the “Campaign type” in the pop-up window:

On Demand

The “On demand” campaign type allows you to run the campaign according to your needs (The On-demand campaign type will work in the following way - after the setup process, the campaign is unstarted. Then on-demand, this campaign will proceed with the Email distribution only once and finish the work).

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can also use the “Save and Next” button to save the settings and be redirected to the next tab.


By Schedule

The “By Schedule” campaign type allows you to run the campaign on a set schedule. The “By Schedule” campaign type contains the following settings:

  • Schedule: Enter the date and time when you want your campaign to be running.

  • Timezone: Choose the timezone for your campaign.

You can click the “Use Contact Timezone” button to send an email to contacts by their timezone.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can also use the “Save and Next” button to complete the settings and be redirected to the next tab.


By Event

The “By Event” campaign type allows you to run the campaign based on certain delivery events. You can configure the following data fields:

  • Event: Choose an event (Click, Open, Not  Open, Open Not Click).
  • Select Main Campaign: Select the main campaign from the list.

  • Send Campaign After: Specify Days, Hours, and Minutes after which your campaign will send the email.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can use the “Save and Next” button to save the settings and be redirected to the next tab.



The “Autoresponder” campaign type allows you to run the campaign based on the time the contact has been in a contact list. 

Note: If you run the Autoresponder Campaign type, it will take only contacts added to the list in the last two days.

The “Autoresponder” campaign type contains the following settings:

  • Trigger Campaign After: Specify Days, Hours, and Minutes to trigger and run the campaign after the contact was added to the list.

  • Resend message(s) to updated contacts: Click the checkbox to send the message again to the same contact based on the field updated trigger.

    • Update on contact's field: Select the specific field from the drop-down list to trigger the re-send message.

  • Resend message(s) to re-activated contacts: Click the checkbox to send the message again to the same contact if the contact is re-activated (Changed contacts status from Inactive to Active).

  • Send Only to new subscribers: Click the checkbox to send the message only to new subscribers in the contact lists.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can use the “Save and Next” button to complete the settings and be redirected to the next tab.


By Count In List (Online)

The “By Count In List (Online)” campaign type allows you to run the campaign based on the number of contacts you have in a contact list. 

The “By Count In List (Online)” campaign type contains the following settings:

  • Email Count: Specify the number of contacts upon reaching which the campaign will be run.

  • Resend message(s) to updated contacts: Select the checkbox to send the message again to the same contact based on the field updated trigger.

    • Update on contact's field: Select the specific field from the drop-down list to trigger the message re-send.

  • Resend message(s) to re-activated contacts: Select the checkbox to send the message again to the same contact if the contact is re-activated (Changed contacts status from Inactive to Active).

  • Send Only to new subscribers: Select the checkbox to send the message only to new subscribers in the contact lists.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can use the “Save and Next” button to complete the settings and be redirected to the next tab.

Template Settings

The “Template Settings” tab allows you to manage and customize the templates for your emails.


To set up the “Templates” tab, select the scheme from the “Template Mode” drop-down list. The following modes are available:

  • Simple: Allows you to select and edit one template in the campaign.

  • A/B Testing: Allows you to select and edit several templates in the campaign.

If you select the “Simple” Template Mode, fill in the following data fields:

  • Template: Select a template from the existing list.

  • Subject fields contain:

    • Email fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

    • System fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

If you select “A/B Testing” Template Mode, fill in the following data fields:

  • Template Count: The number of templates that will be used.

  • Template 1: Select a template from the existing list.

  • Subject fields contain:

    • Email fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

    • System fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

  • Template 2: Select the template which you will use from the existing one.

    • Email fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

    • System fields: Select the values from the drop-down list.

  • Auto-Send Remaining Emails: Select from “Enable” or “Disable”.

If you select “Enable” Template Mode fill out the following data fields:

  • A/B Test Group Percentage: Email percentage that will be used for A/B testing.

  • Email Percentage to send to each Template: Select the percentage of emails that go to each template.

  • Select Winning Criteria: Select between Unique Opens or Unique Clicks.

  • Select Winner After: Specify Days, Hours, and Minutes after which will be specified Winning Criteria.

Click the “Save” button to complete. You can use the “Save and Next” button to save the settings and be redirected to the next tab.

Sending Channel(s)

The “Sending Channel(s)” tab allows you to set the sender parameters.

The “ESP Routing” block allows to select the type of the delivery channel and contains the following fields:

  • Send type: Select the type of the delivery channel: Single Channel, Multiply Channel, and ESP/Domain.

  • Select Channel: Select the delivery channel from the existing one.

The “Sender Configuration” block allows you to set up the sender settings. Depending on the value (selected in the “Send Type” field), the block will have different settings options.

If the “Single Channel” option is selected in the “Select Channel” field, you can select one channel. The “Sender Configuration” block contains the following fields:

  • From Name: Enter the sender’s name.

  • From Email: Enter the sender’s email.

  • Reply to Email: Enter the email where the response will be sent to.

  • Address: Enter the sender's address (Used to replace sender placeholders in the template).

If the “Multiple Channel” option is selected in the “Select Channels” field, you should select at least two channels. The “Sender Configuration'' block contains the following fields:

  • ESP: The name of the channel.

  • From Name: The sender’s name.

  • From Email: Email address where the email will be sent from.

  • Reply to Email: The email where the response will be sent to.

  • Address: Enter the sender's address (Used to replace sender placeholders in the template).

In the “Split Ratio” block, you can set up the ratio for the channel’s distribution. The values for the percentage should be filled out in the “Percentage” column.

Enter the information and click the “Save” button to complete.

If the “ESP/Domain” option is selected in the “Select Channel” field, you need to select at least two channels and at least one domain in the “Select Domain” field.

The “Sender Configuration” block contains the following fields:

  • ESP: The name of the channel.

  • From Name: The sender’s name.

  • From Email: The email address to send the email from.

  • Reply to Email: The email where the answer will be delivered.

  • Address: Enter the sender's address (Used to replace sender placeholders in the template).

In the “Split Ratio” block you can set up the ratio for the domain distribution between channels. The values for the percentage should be filled out in the “Percentage” column.

Enter the information and click the “Save” button to complete.


The “Notifications” tab allows you to configure the option of sending a notification if the campaign is not sending any messages for a specific timeframe.


The “Sending Notification” block contains the following fields:

  • Enable Sending Notifications: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the Sending Notifications option.

  • Notification Time: Select the timeframe after which the system will start checking the campaign and send the notifications (Now, After 1 day(s), etc.).

  • Check Notification Within: Select the time frame for how often should the system check if this campaign did not send any messages (From 1 and up to 10 hours).

  • Maximum number of notifications: Select the number of notifications to be sent per day (1 or 2 times per day).

If there are new notifications for the Сampaign, they will be displayed as a red warning icon in the “Actions” column under the “Campaigns” section, and the system will also send a notification message to the email address.

To customize the system notifications go to System Management > General > Project Settings > E-delivery tab.

Sending Option(s)

The “Sending Option(s)” tab allows you to configure the campaign sending parameters by a certain time and limit of emails sent per hour.

The “Sending Option” block contains the following fields:

  • Pause Campaign: If the “Yes” field option is selected, you can pause the campaign activity for a certain amount of time.

  • Use Contact Timezone: If the “Yes” field option is selected, the message will be sent to the contact by contact timezone which is defined by ZIP code or country and/or region. Otherwise, the campaign or system timezone is used.

    If the “No” field option is selected, choose “Pause Timezone” in the drop-down list.

  • Pause Schedule: Select the timeframes for the campaign pause by the day and time.

    • Enable/Disable: Click the checkbox to enable/disable the pause for a certain day.

    • Pause (24 hrs)?: Click the checkbox to enable/disable the pause for 24 hours.

    • Day: Monday, Tuesday, etc.

    • Pause Between (HH::MM): Enter the time for the pause.

If in the “Limiter Enabled” field the “Yes” option is selected, you can set up the limitation for the number of emails sent per hour. Fill in the email’s quantity limit in the “Per Hour Limit” field and the total number of emails that can be sent for the selected campaign in the “Total Campaign Limit” field. Click the “Save” button to complete.

Webhooks/Tracking URL

The “Webhooks/Tracking URL” tab allows you to set up tracking activity depending on the status of the campaign.


The “Webhooks/Tracking URL” tab contains the following information:

  • Tracking URL: Tracking URL address.

  • Fire Action Event: Event after which webhook/tracking will be enabled (SENT, SENT FAILED, DELIVERED, SOFT BOUNCED, HARD BOUNCED, OPENED, CLICKED, SPAM REPORTED, UNSUBSCRIBE).

  • Method: HTTP method of the webhook/tracking (GET, POST).

  • Status: Status of the tracking URL (Active, Disabled, Duplicating).

Click the “+ Add Tracking Link” button to add the tracking link and fill in the following fields in the “Add Tracking Link” pop-up window:

  • Fire on Action: Select the event after which the webhook/tracking will be enabled (SENT, SENT FAILED, DELIVERED, SOFT BOUNCED, HARD BOUNCED, OPENED, CLICKED, SPAM REPORTED, UNSUBSCRIBE).

  • Method: Select the HTTP method of the webhook/tracking (GET, POST).

  • URL Contact Fields: Enter the tracking URL address. You can also add the Contact Fields (Email, Phone, First Name, Last Name, Country, City, Address, State, Zip, Day Of Birth, Custom field).

  • Status: Select the status of the tracking URL (Active, Disabled, Duplicating).

Click the “Add” button to confirm. Click the “Cancel” button to disallow the changes.

Click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column to edit the tracking link, and fill in the following fields in the “Edit” pop-up window:

  • Fire on Action: Select the event after which webhook/tracking will be enabled (SENT, SENT FAILED, DELIVERED, SOFT BOUNCED, HARD BOUNCED, OPENED, CLICKED, SPAM REPORTED, UNSUBSCRIBE).

  • Method: Select the HTTP method of the webhook/tracking (GET, POST).

  • URL Contact Fields: Enter the tracking URL address. You can also add the Contact Fields (Email, Phone, First Name, Last Name, Country, City, Address, State, Zip, Day Of Birth, Custom field).

  • Status: Select the status of the tracking URL (Active, Disabled, Duplicating).

Click the “Add” button to confirm. Click the “Cancel” button to skip without saving.

Click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column to delete the tracking link. In the “Delete” pop-up window click the “Delete” button to confirm. Click the “Close” button to cancel the changes.

Test Send

The “Test Send” tab allows you to send the campaign in test mode.


The “Test Send” block allows you to send a campaign template to multi recipients and configure the following data fields:

  • Send test to: Enter the emails where you want to send the test email.

  • Template: Select the template that you will use.

  • Delivery Channel: Select the delivery channel that you will use.

The “Optional Placeholders Data” block allows you to add and change the template placeholders for your test send.

You can enable or disable the “Use default test data for template placeholders” button. If the “Use default test data for template placeholders” field is enabled, you can use default placeholders for the test send. If this field is disabled, you can edit the next field:

  • Phone

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Country

  • City

  • Address

  • State

  • Zip

  • Day Of Birth

Click the “Save Test” button to send the test email campaign.


The “Logs” tab allows you to view the Email campaign status changes and updates.

email campaign

Once you click the “Logs” tab the system will redirect you to the Campaign Logs section.

Note: Read more about the Campaign Logs in this Knowledge Base article.