Buyer Report: Lead Details

Looking to view specific lead data? Check our quick guide to the Buyer Report: Lead Details section for more information

The Lead Details report allows you to view detailed information about all leads in your system such as Lead ID, post status, quality, post price, state, IP, etc.

To view the report go to the All Reports > Buyer Reports > Lead Details section. To generate a specific list of leads use the filter fields on the top of the window and click the “Search” button to continue.

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You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

    • Lead ID: Enter the ID of the Lead.
    • Date: Enter the date range for report generating.
    • Product: Select the Product.
    • Publisher Agent: Select the Publisher Agent.
    • Publisher: Select the Publisher.
    • Publisher Channel: Select the Publisher channel.
    • Publisher Source: Select the Publisher source.
    • Buyer Agent: Select the Buyer Agent.
    • Buyer: Select the Buyer.
    • Buyer Campaign: Select the Campaign.
    • Integration: Select the Integration.
    • Post: Select the status of the lead.
    • Redirects: Select the redirect status.
    • Campaign Type: Select the type of the campaign.
    • Ping Tree: Select the Ping Tree name.
    • Campaign Tags: Select the Campaign tag.
    • Publisher Tags: Select the Publisher tag.
    • Lead Tags: Select the Lead tag (Sold CPF, Fraud Reject, TPS Reject, Not Posted, iClear Reject Rule, iClear Reject Global, Possible fraud).

You can add a custom tag to this report by creating the After-Processing Rule on the Product level. Go to the System Management > Product section. Click the “Configure” button next to the corresponding Product, and click the “Lead Processing Rules (iClear)” tab. In the “After-Processing Rules” subtab, click the “Add Rule” button. 

This feature might help you distinguish which leads were sold exclusively and which were sold to multiple Buyers or Campaigns.

Read more about the Advanced Lead Processing Rules in our Knowledge Base article.

Note: In the Lead Info report, click the Tag name to generate a Lead Details report with applied corresponding “Tag” and “Campaign” filters.

Read more about the Lead Info report in the Knowledge Base article.

    • Has Disposition: Select the disposition status.
    • Buyer Return: Select the (Yes / No) option to display the leads with the returned Buyer’s amount.
  • Pub Return: Select the (Yes / No) option to display the leads with the returned Publisher’s amount.

Note: Click the “More Filters” button to display all available filters.

The “Lead Details” report contains the following information:

  • Date: The date and time when the lead entered the system.
  • Post: The status of the lead. Read more about the lead statuses in this Knowledge Base article.
  • Lead ID: The unique identification number of the lead. To view the Lead Info page, click the ID number of the lead and the system will redirect you to the appropriate page.
  • Quality: The column displays how many times the same lead entered the system:
    • 1st left bubble: The number of times the same lead entered the system within the last 24 hours. 
    • 2nd from left: The number of times the same lead entered the system within the last 2 weeks.
    • 3rd from left: The number of times the same lead entered the system within the last 30 days.
    • 4th from left: The number of times the same lead entered the system within the last 45 days.
  • Tier: Publisher min price for the lead.
  • Product: The name of the Product.
  • Buyer: The name of the Buyer.
  • Campaign: The name of the Campaign.
  • Campaign Tags: The tag that was assigned to the Campaign.
  • Redirect: The redirect status of the lead (Yes, No).
  • Duration: The total call duration (for Call Logic only)
  • Duration (Buyer Response): The call duration after it was connected to the Buyer (for Call Logic only)
  • Redaction: The numerical data redaction number (for Call Logic only)
  • Buyer Phone Number: The phone number for the Buyer (for Call Logic only)
  • Post Price, $: The price offered to the Buyer for the specific lead.
  • Pub, $: The Publisher earnings.
  • ADM, $: Admin revenue.
  • TTL, $: The total payment.
  • Buyer Return: Shows if there’s a Buyer’s amount return:
    • Yes: In case of successful amount return.
    • No: In case when the amount return is denied.
    • -: In case of no lead return.
  • Pub Return: Shows if there’s a Publisher’s amount return 
    • Yes: In case of successful amount return.
    • -: In case of no lead return.
  • Publisher: The name of the Publisher.
  • Publisher Tags: The tag that was assigned to the Publisher.
  • Source: The Publisher's source.
  • Time: The time during which the lead has been processed.
  • Comment: Any announcements about the lead processing.
  • Email: The email address mentioned in the lead body.
  • State: The state mentioned in the lead body.
  • Ip: The internet protocol address used to fill in the required information.

You can add custom columns to the report by clicking the “Add New Column” button. Read more about how to create custom columns and how to manage them in this Knowledge Base article.

To view the lead logs, click the “Logs” button in the “Actions” column and the system will redirect you to the appropriate page.

To request the lead return, click the “Request Lead Return” button in the “Action” column, fill in the following fields in the pop-up window, and click the "Save" button to confirm the action:

  • Lead Disposition: Select the lead disposition. Note: If the lead enters the system again, this disposition will be shown in some reports.

  • Comment: Enter the comment.

Read more about the lead return option in this Knowledge Base article.