Ping Tree Settings

Check our guide to learn how the Ping Tree Settings list can help you create, access, and manage ping trees in the system.

The Ping Tree Settings list allows you to create, view, and manage ping trees in the system. Read more about the Ping Tree in this Knowledge Base article.

Ping Tree Settings List

To access the list, go to the Client Management > Setup > Ping Tree Settings section.

The primary tabs of the page correspond to the ping tree types based on the selected platform (LMS, Call Logic):

  • Main processing: The tab displays a list of all ping trees for the Main processing Campaign type grouped by the Product (for LMS only).

  • Exit Page: The tab displays a list of all ping trees for the Exit Page Campaign type grouped by the Product (for LMS only).

  • Exit Offer List: The tab displays a list of all ping trees for the Exit Offer Campaign type grouped by the Product (for LMS only).

  • Silent: The tab displays a list of all ping trees for the Silence Campaign type grouped by the Product.

  • Direct Call: The tab displays a list of all ping trees for the Direct Call Campaign type grouped by the Product (for Call Logic only).

Read more about Campaigns and their types in this Knowledge Base article.

You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:

  • ID: Enter the ID number of the Ping Tree.

  • Name: Enter the name of the Ping Tree.

  • Comment: Enter the comment for the Ping Tree

  • Product: Select the Product from the list.

  • Show Deleted: Check the box to display deleted ping trees.

The Ping Tree Settings list contains the following information:

  • ID: The ID number of a Ping Tree in the system.

  • Ping Tree Name: The name of the Ping Tree.

  • Comment: Additional information about the Ping Tree.

  • Product: The name of the product for the Ping Tree.

  • Status (Active / Disabled): The status of the Ping Tree.

  • Global Settings: Traffic distribution among all ping trees for a Product in percentage (%).

  • Custom Settings: Custom Publisher Ping Tree distribution settings are made on the Publisher's side in the Publisher Settings section.

To configure the ping tree distribution for the specific Product, go to the Ping Tree Settings section for the specified Product and click the “Config” button.

In the pop-up window, set the values to define traffic distribution, and click the “Apply” button to apply the changes.

To create a new Ping Tree, click the “Create New Ping Tree” button and fill in the following fields in the pop-up window:

  • Name: Enter the name of the Ping Tree.

  • Comment: Enter additional information about the Ping Tree.

  • Product: Select the Product from the drop-down list.

Click the “Add” button to create a Ping Tree.

Read more about the Ping Tree activation in this Knowledge Base article.

Managing the Existing Ping Tree

To rename and modify the comment added for an existing Ping Tree, select the Ping Tree from the list and click the “Rename” button in the “Action” column. Fill in the data fields in the pop-up window and click the “Save” button.

To create a duplicate of the existing Ping Tree, select that Ping Tree from the list and click the “Duplicate” button in the “Action” column. Fill in the name of the new Ping Tree in the pop-up window and click the “Save” button.

To delete a specific Ping Tree, select the Ping Tree from the list and click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column. Confirm the action by clicking the “Delete” button in the pop-up window.

To set up and edit the existing Ping Tree, select the Ping Tree from the list, and click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column.

The "Ping Tree" tab allows you to configure the Ping Tree strategy and prioritize the Ping Tree`s campaigns based on the chosen strategy. Note: The strategies option is not applicable for the Exit Page and Exit Offer List Ping Trees.

To apply a specific strategy to the Ping Tree, select one of the following strategies from the "Strategy" drop-down list, configure the campaigns' list, and click the "Save" button.

Price Strategy

The strategy allows you to distribute leads according to the highest price set for the campaigns added to a Ping Tree. First, the system posts a lead to the Campaign with the highest price, then moves to a Campaign with the next highest price until the lead gets sold or rejected by all the Campaigns.


Campaign 1 is set at $10, Campaign 2 is set at $50, and Campaign 3 is set at $25. Campaign 2 will receive the lead first. If the lead gets rejected by Campaign 2, it will be posted to Campaign 3 next.

Priority Strategy

The strategy allows you to distribute leads based on the established campaign priority. First, the system posts a lead to the Campaign with the highest priority and then moves to a Campaign with the next highest priority until the lead is sold or rejected by all the campaigns.


Campaign 1 is low-priority, Campaign 2 is mid-priority, and Campaign 3 is high-priority. Campaign 3 will be the first to receive the lead due to its priority ranking. If the lead doesn't get sold, it will be posted to Campaign 2.

Weight Strategy

Leads are distributed to buyers based on their assigned weights. A higher weight increases the probability that a buyer receives a lead.


If Campaign 1 has a weight of 5, Campaign 2 has a weight of 2, and Campaign 3 has a weight of 1, then: 

  • Campaign 1 is 5 times more likely to get a lead than Campaign 3.
  • Campaign 2 is 2 times more likely to get a lead than Campaign 3.
  • Campaign 1 is 2.5 times more likely to get a lead than Campaign 2.

Parallel Pings (Higher Price) Strategy

The strategy allows you to send leads simultaneously to all campaigns and select the Campaign that offers the highest price.


You have 100 campaigns in a Ping Tree, the value in the Parallel Post Count field is 50, and the value in the Global Post Timeout field is 3. This means that a lead is presented to 50 campaigns at once, and the waiting time for campaigns to respond is 3 seconds according to the timeout response settings. The system records all of the responses by the offer price. Those campaigns that do not respond are classified as "rejected.” The lead is then sent to the remaining 50 Campaigns, which also respond with a price or reject. Once all of the responses are collected, the lead is sold to the Campaign that offered the highest price.

Parallel Pings (All Sold) Strategy

The strategy allows you to send lead simultaneously to all the campaigns and sell it to every campaign that accepts it. Note: The strategy is available only for the Silent Ping Tree.


You have 50 campaigns, the value in the Parallel Post Count field is 50, and the value in the Global Post Timeout field is 3. This means that a lead is presented to 50 campaigns at once, and the waiting time for the campaigns to respond is 3 seconds according to the timeout response settings. Those campaigns that do not respond are classified as "rejected.” The lead is sold to all the campaigns that responded.

Ping-Post Strategy

The strategy allows you to send Ping simultaneously to all campaigns and then send Post to the highest offer. Note: The strategy is available only for Ping-Post products.

During the lead processing, all timeouts for Ping-Post products with the Ping-Post strategy work independently one from another. You can restrict the lead processing time only with the Ping Tree timeout or the Publisher's maximum lead processing time.

Example 1: 

Campaign 1 timeout = 20

Campaign 2 timeout = 45

Publisher's maximum lead processing time = 30

Ping Tree timeout = 40

In this case, lead processing will end at a maximum of 30 seconds because of the Ping Tree timeout and Publisher's maximum lead processing time, timeout = 30 at the Publisher level is the smallest.

Example 2: 

Campaign 1 timeout = 60

Campaign 2 timeout = 10

Publisher timeout = 55

Ping Tree timeout = 40

In this case, lead processing will end at a maximum of 40 seconds because of the Ping Tree timeout and Publisher's maximum lead processing time, timeout = 40 at the ping tree level is the smallest.

Fill in the following fields to execute the strategy effectively:

  • Global Ping Timeout: The maximum response time for all the campaigns to respond to Ping.

  • Global Post Timeout: The maximum response time for all the campaigns to respond to Post.

  • Parallel Post Count: The maximum number of simultaneous HTTP requests to be processed. If you have additional campaigns, the next one will start processing once the previous one is completed.

Max EPL Strategy (Call Logic Only)

The strategy allows you to reach your maximum earnings per call. Calls are distributed to the Buyer that has the highest expected price.


You have a Campaign that pays $20, and 75% of the transferred calls are considered as sold. Another Campaign is $24, but only 60% of the transferred calls are considered sold. The $20 campaign will have the Highest Expected Price according to the calculations.

Profit Maker Strategy (Call Logic Only)

The strategy allows you to achieve overall maximum profitability for the campaigns with the least remaining distribution time. The Profit Maker compares a Campaign’s Highest Expected Price with the available caps and hours remaining to sell.


You have a Campaign that pays $20, and 75% of the transferred calls are considered as sold. This Campaign can buy five calls and will buy calls within the next 2 hours. While another Campaign is $24, but only 60% of the calls transferred are considered as sold. This Campaign can buy eight calls and will buy calls within the next 4 hours. The call will be distributed to the $20 Campaign to ensure that you reach maximum caps for the day to achieve maximum profitability.

Even for Each Rotation Strategy

The strategy allows you to distribute leads evenly between all campaigns inside each rotation in the Ping Tree. This strategy works effectively in case of the same filter and schedule settings for campaigns (including publisher’s filters and DNPL settings).

Fill in the following fields to execute the strategy effectively:

  • Campaign Counter TTL: Select the time range after which counters for campaigns will be equalized.

  • Distribute by: Select the event to process the disposition.

Example 1:

Campaign A and Campaign B are in rotation. If the previous lead was received by Campaign A, the next one would be received by Campaign B.

Example 2:

Campaign A and Campaign B are in rotation. Campaign A was temporarily out of the workflow (the Campaign was paused or was not accepting leads according to the filter settings). At the same time, Campaign B received 50 leads. The next 50 leads will be received by Campaign A.

This system behavior can be corrected by using the “Campaign Counter TTL” field. The Campaign Counter TTL parameter helps to equalize counters for campaigns that were paused for more than a predefined amount of time.

Example 3:

Campaign A and Campaign B are in rotation. Campaign A has the Campaign Counter TTL set for one hour.

Campaign A was paused for 2 hours. Campaign B received 1000 leads during this time. When Campaign A becomes active, its internal counter will be set to a 1000 value, like it's been getting the same amount of leads as Campaign B. This process ensures equal lead distribution in case the Campaign is launched after a long pause. The internal counter does not affect the reports.

The “Distribute by” field determines the event by which the even disposition will be processed (Sold / Post). In case the “Sold” option is selected, the system will strive to equalize sales. This option can not be guaranteed because campaigns in the rotation may accept leads too unevenly.

Note: After changing the “Distribute by” parameter and saving the Ping Tree settings, the uniform distribution countdown will start again from the current moment. This action can not be undone.

Ping Tree List Configuration

The “Ping Tree List” block displays all of the campaigns added to the Ping Tree and allows you to change the list order according to your preference. You may use tools on the right side of the list block to move, select, and remove campaigns from the list.

To search for specific campaigns, click the "Search" button in the header block of the Ping Tree. Fill in the following fields by preference:

  • Campaign: Enter the campaign ID, the name of the campaign, or the name of the partner.

  • Price Range: Fill in the "Min Price" and the "Max Price" fields to set the price range for the search.

Click the "Prev" or "Next" buttons to navigate through the search results.

The “Not In Ping Tree” list displays all the campaigns that have not been added to the Ping Tree, sorted by the buyer. You can use the tools on the right side of the block to select campaigns, move campaigns to the Ping Tree, and set campaign values. You may also use the drag-and-drop method to move the campaigns from one list to another.

To confirm all the modifications on the Ping Tree tab, click the “Save” button. Once the changes are applied, the system automatically creates a new backup version of a Ping Tree.

The “Analytics” Tab

The “Analytics” tab allows you to view and analyze the report that contains the performance overview of the Ping Tree for a specific date. To load the performance data, use the “Date” and “Status” filters, and click the “Search” button.

The performance overview report contains the following information:

  • Price: The price for the Campaign.

  • Channel: The name of the Campaign and the Buyer.

  • Status (Active / Deleted / Disabled / Paused / Temp Paused): The status of the Campaign in the system.

  • Posts Per Day: The number of posts.

  • Sold Per Day: The number of sold leads.

  • TTL Per Day: The total earnings.

  • Conversion Per Day, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the selected date, in percentage.

  • Conversion Per Last 7 Days, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the seven days before the selected date, in percentage.

  • Conversion, Current Month, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the current month, in percentage.

  • Conversion, Previous Month, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the previous month, in percentage.

The "Ping Tree Comparison" Tab

The "Ping Tree comparison" tab allows you to compare the Ping Tree performance between two selected periods. To generate the report, use the "Current Ping Tree date," "Comparison Ping Tree," "Comparison Date," and "Status" filters, and click the "Search" button.

The comparison report contains the following information:

  • Price: The price for the Campaign.

  • Channel: The name of the Campaign and the Buyer.

  • Status (Active / Deleted / Disabled / Paused / Temp Paused): The status of the Campaign in the system.

  • Posts Per Day: The number of posts for the current date / the number of posts for the comparison date.

  • Sold Per Day: The number of sold leads for the current date / the number of sold leads for the comparison date.

  • TTL Per Day: The total earnings for the current date / total earnings for the comparison date.

  • Conversion Per Day, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the current date in percentage / the Posts to the Sold ratio for the comparison date in percentage.

  • Conversion Per Last 7 Days, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the last seven days before the current date in percentage / the Posts to the Sold ratio for the last seven days before the comparison date in percentage.

  • Conversion, Current Month, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the current month in percentage / the Posts to the Sold ratio for the month before the comparison date in percentage.

  • Conversion, Previous Month, %: The Posts to the Sold ratio for the previous month in percentage / the Posts to the Sold ratio for the previous month before the comparison date in percentage.

The “Ping Tree Diff Versions” Tab

The “Ping Tree diff versions” tab allows you to view and compare all the previous backup versions of the Ping Tree settings stored in the system. Once you select the versions you would like to compare, the blocks will be loaded automatically. All the changes are highlighted in yellow, and all the new records are highlighted in green.

To restore the previously saved backup version of the Ping Tree, click the “Apply version” button.