The Campaigns allow you to create a specific configuration to manage your dialing requests. You can configure your campaign to set up your dialing requests to be dialed manually or automatically.
Campaign List
Campaign Setup
Campaign List
To view the list of existing campaigns, go to the Call Campaigns > Campaigns section.
You can narrow down the search results by using the following filters:
- ID: Enter the unique identification number of the Campaign.
- Created Date: Select the date of the Campaign creation.
- Name: Enter the name of the Campaign.
- Call Group: Select the Call Group of the Campaign.
- Department: Select the related Department.
- Skill: Select the corresponding Skill assigned to the Campaign (to ensure calls are handled by qualified operators).
- Campaign Type: Select the type of the Campaign (Auto, Manual).
- Status: Select the current status of the Campaign (Active, Disabled).
The list of the Campaigns contains the following information:
- ID: The unique identification number of the Campaign.
- Status: The current status of the Campaign.
- Name: The name of the Campaign.
- Call Group: The Call Group that is related to the Campaign.
- Department: The related Department.
- Skill: The name of the corresponding Skill assigned to the Campaign to ensure calls are handled by qualified operators.
- Description: A brief description of the Campaign record.
- Campaign Type: The current type of the Campaign (Auto, Manual).
- Created Date: Date and time when the Campaign was created.
To create a new Campaign, click the “Add New Record” button, and fill in the following fields in the “Add New” pop-up window:
- Name: Enter the name of the Campaign.
- Description: Enter a brief description for the Campaign.
- Call Group: Select the Call Group for the Campaign.
- Department: Select the respective Department.
- Skill: Select the Skill to be assigned to the Campaign to ensure calls are handled by qualified operators.
Click the “Add” button to complete the action.
To open the list of dialing requests, click the “Requests” button in the “Action” column. Then, you will be redirected to the “Dialing Request List” section.
Read more about the Dialing Request List section in the following Knowledge Base article.
To configure an existing Campaign, click the “Configure” button in the “Action” column. Then the Campaign Configure section will be opened.
To remove the Campaign from the list, click the “Delete” button in the “Action” column.
Campaign Setup
To configure an existing Campaign, click the “Configure” button in the “Action” column. Then the Campaign Configure section will be opened.
The Campaign Setup section contains 8 tabs:
The “General” tab
The “General” tab allows you to configure the main settings of the Campaign.
The system fills out the following general settings:
- Name: The name of the Campaign.
- Description: A brief description of the Campaign.
- Call Group: The Call Group of the Campaign.
- Department: The related Department.
- Skill: The related Skill assigned to the Campaign (to ensure calls are handled by qualified operators).
- Status: The current status of the Campaign (Active, Disabled). Please note: To activate the campaign, a schedule must be set up. By default, the rule is always pre-configured.
Click the “Save” button to complete the action.
The “Campaign Settings” tab
The “Campaign Settings” tab allows you to configure the Call Settings.
The following settings are available:
- Campaign type (Manual Callback / Auto Callback): Select the Campaign type.
Note: All settings below are applicable only to Auto Callback Campaigns.
- Next Call Delay: Select the “Yes” option to enable the break for the operator before the next call to the phone number. During this time, the operator completes tasks related to the previous call, such as updating the disposition, adding notes, and scoring the call. Select the “No” option to disable the delay of the next call.
In the Call Settings block, you can set up the general flow of calls in the Campaign. It contains the following fields:
- Calls per Operator: The number of phone numbers are dialed for an operator when the operator becomes available for a new call.
- Only Operators in Status “Available”: Check the box for the system to count only “Available” Operators for the “Calls per Operator” field.
- Number of redial attempts for Non-answered calls: The number of redial attempts to the phone number with the “Non-answered” status. Note: The maximum number of redials for this field is 100.
- Redial interval for Non-answered calls (minutes): The time needed to wait to redial the call with the “Non-answered” status. Note: The time in this field is set in minutes. The maximum amount of time that can be set for redial is 5 minutes.
- Number of redial attempts for Busy/Error calls: The number of redial attempts to the phone number with the “Busy” or “Error” status. Note: The maximum number of redials for this field is 100.
- Redial interval for Busy/Error calls (minutes): The time needed to wait to redial the call with the “Busy” or “Error” status. Note: The time in this field is set in minutes. The maximum amount of time that can be set for redial is 5 minutes.
- Redial period (days): The time range to count the number of redial attempts.
- Dial New Contacts First: Select the “Yes” option to enable the Lead Freshness Priority, ensuring new phone numbers are prioritized over those already dialed: the system will call the phone number list from the bottom to top, prioritizing phone numbers added for the current date.
- Dialing Timeout: The time range during which the autodialer waits before disconnecting an unanswered call and then logging it as "Not Answered." In other words, it indicates the length of time the autodialer rings a number, measured in seconds. The default value is 15 seconds, considering the existing telemarketing regulations.
- Maximum Time In Queue: The time, in seconds, that the callee remains in the queue on hold by the autodialer when there are no available operators to handle the call.
- Steps Taken On Queue Timeout: Select the actions to be performed with the callee once the Maximum Time in Queue is reached (Drop Call, Play Sound, Go to IVR).
- If the “Drop Call” option is selected the call will be dropped by the Autodialer.
- If the “Play Sound” option is selected the specific audio file will be played to the callee before the call is finished. You can upload the audio file from your device or use the file from the Media Library section.
- To upload the corresponding audio file, select the “Upload” option in the “Source” field, and select the file for uploading in the “Filename” field.
- To add the audio file from the available in the Medial Library section, select the “Media library” option in the “Source” field, and select the corresponding available audio file in the “Media library file” field. Read more about the Media Library section in the following Knowledge Base article.
- If the “Go To IVR” option is selected, the call will be routed to a particular IVR. Select the IVR to which the call will be routed in the “Queue Ivr Id” field.
- Call Abandonment Rate toggle: The percentage of calls disconnected by the autodialer before being answered by an operator. Switch on the toggle to automatically monitor and adjust the Call Abandonment Rate in the campaign by the system. When the toggle is enabled, the system adjusts the number of Calls Per Operator based on the value set in the Call Abandonment Rate field. If the abandonment rate exceeds the set value, the system reduces the Calls Per Operator to 1. If it drops below the set value (e.g., 2% or 2.5%), the system restores the Calls Per Operator to its original setting.
- Call Abandonment Rate field: The percentage of the Call Abandonment Rate.The default value is 3 percent, considering the existing telemarketing regulations.
To better understand these settings, consider the following use case for auto-dialed telemarketing calls:
XYZ company offers personal loans and conducts telemarketing campaigns such as cold calling and sales calls using an autodialer. The company operates under FTC and FCC regulations and has two operators available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Operator 1 takes a one-hour break at 11:00 AM, and Operator 2 at 12:00 PM. The desired abandonment rate, as per regulations, is 3% for both daily and monthly periods, with a minimum call timeout of 15 seconds.
To ensure compliance, the company sets up an Auto Callback campaign with a 2-second Maximum Time in Queue. The "Steps Taken on Queue Timeout" field is configured to route to "Play Sound" with information for a pre-recorded message, callback, and Do Not Call (DNC) list. The Calls Per Operator ratio is set to 3, with the abandonment rate toggle enabled and set at 3%. The autodialer operates on a schedule from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, routing calls to available operators. If a call is abandoned, the system drops it by playing a pre-recorded message that was uploaded earlier.
During Operator 1's break, the autodialer dials 3 numbers per the remaining operator (Operator 2), causing the abandonment rate to rise to 4.5%. The system detects the increase through continuous monitoring and automatically adjusts the Calls Per Operator ratio to 1:1 to reduce the abandonment rate. After 31 minutes, the rate drops to 2.5%, meeting compliance standards. The system then reverts to the original ratio (3 calls per Operator) for optimal dialing efficiency.
The “Schedule” tab
The “Schedule” tab allows you to view and manage campaign schedule rules. You can configure the campaign operating hours in days or date ranges. Read more about adding a schedule rule and Permissible Calling Hours in the Knowledge Base article.
How to manage the Default Schedule Rule
The Default Schedule rule is available as soon as the Campaign is created. The calls can not be processed via the Campaign if the schedule rule is not added and set.
Note: This rule has the same settings for all Campaigns, can not be disabled, and the state option is inactive and cannot be changed as well.
To edit the Default Schedule rule click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column and change the following settings in the “Edit Schedule Rule” pop-up window:
- Name: Change the name of the Default Schedule rule.
- Schedule Method: Change the Days / Date Range option selection. If the “Days” option is selected, you can select a day of the week using the checkboxes. If the “Date Range” option is selected, select the “Start Date” and “End Date” in the corresponding fields.
- Start time: Enter the start time of the Schedule Rule.
- End time: Enter the end time of the Schedule Rule.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes to the Default Schedule rule.
How to Add a Schedule Rule
To add a new rule, click the “Add Schedule Rule” button and fill in the form fields:
- Status: Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable this schedule, and vice versa.
- Name: Enter the name of the schedule.
- Action: Select the Call / Do not call option.
- Schedule Method: Select the Days / Date Range option. If the “Days” option is selected, you can select a day of the week using the checkboxes. If the “Date Range” option is selected, select the “Start Date” and “End Date” in the corresponding fields.
- Start time: Enter the start time of the Schedule Rule.
- End time: Enter the end time of the Schedule Rule.
- Enter "YES" to confirm the changes: Enter the “YES” word to confirm schedule rule settings.
- State: Select the corresponding state(s) to which the rule should be applied.
Note: If no state is selected, the rule will be applied to all states. The option is available only for the US region. - Add same rules to other Call Group(s): Check the box to add the ongoing schedule to another Call Group(s).
Click the “Save” button in a pop-up window to apply changes.
How to edit the Schedule Rule
To edit the Schedule rule, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes.
How to duplicate the Schedule Rule
To duplicate the Schedule rule, click the “Duplicate” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Add” button to proceed.
How to delete the Schedule Rule
To delete the Schedule rule, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Delete” button in a pop-up window to confirm your intention.
Information by Campaign’s Schedule
To view the Campaign’s current schedule, look at the bottom of the page, and use filters (day / week / month) to generate the corresponding information.
Mass Schedule Rules Removal
To bulk remove Schedule Rules in campaign settings, use Mass Schedule Rule Removal.
Click the “Bulk change” button (1) and check the boxes (2) of the records you want to delete. Tap the remove (red “bin”) button to remove all the selected rules.
The “Tracking” tab
The “Tracking” tab allows you to add and manage the tracking rules. Read more information about the Event Tracking for Cloud PBX in the following Knowledge Base article.
The list of Event Tracking Rules contains the following information:
- ID: The unique identification number of the rule.
- Trigger: The name of the trigger that is set in this rule.
- Trigger Settings: The list of the settings for the trigger.
- Action: The action to perform according to the rule.
- Action Settings: The list of settings for the action.
- Status: The status of the rule (Active/Disabled).
- Created At: The date and time of the rule creation.
- Author: The name of the user who created the rule.
To add the new tracking rule, click the “Add Rule” button and select the required options in the pop-up window:
- Trigger:
- [PBX] Inbound Call: An incoming call has occurred.
- [PBX] Outbound Call: An outgoing call has occurred.
- [PBX] Call Ended: The call ended.
- [PBX] Call Transferred: The call was transferred to the predefined route.
- [PBX] Operator Answered: The call was answered by the operator.
- [PBX] Postback Triggered: The postback was triggered.
- [PBX] Call Recorded: The call was recorded.
- [PBX] Disposition Updated: The call disposition was updated.
- Action: Select the event tracking type. Once you select the preferable event, click the “Next” button to proceed with the setup:
- [E-Delivery] Add to unsubscribe list: Add/remove contact from E-delivery unsubscribe list when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [E-Delivery] Send to Contact List (API): Add an email address and/or phone number to the existing Contacts List in E-Delivery when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [Leads] Add to DNPL (API): The Add to DNPL tracking type allows you to add data to the existing DNPL list when the selected trigger event occurs. Note: The Add to DNPL tracking type can be configured only on the Product level.
- [Leads] Post Lead to LMS/Lead Stash: Send the LMS lead into the system using the POST method when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [Opt-Intel] Add to unsubscribe list (API): Add/remove an email address and/or phone number to the existing Unsubscribe (Opt-Out) List in Opt-Intel when the selected trigger event takes place.
- [Opt-Intel] Send to Opt-Intel (API): The Send to Opt-Intel tracking type allows you to add an email address or phone number to the existing Email Opt-out List/Phone Number Opt-out List in Opt-Intel when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [PBX] Add to DNLP (API): Add data to the existing DNPL list in PBX when the selected trigger event takes place.
- [PBX] Post to Dialling List: Add data to the existing dialing list when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [TPS] Add to Five9 List: The Add to Five9 List tracking type allows you to send a lead data record to the Five9 cloud contact center software.
- [TPS] Facebook Conversion: The Conversions API on a SaaS platform enables advertisers to streamline their marketing by connecting various data sources—like website and app events—to Meta's systems, simplifying integration and enhancing ad targeting, cost efficiency, and measurement.
- [TPS] Google Sheets: The Google Sheets tracking type allows you to add data as a record to Google Sheets using placeholders when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [TPS] Ping Url: The Ping URL integration allows you to send a GET or POST request to the third-party server when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [TPS] SMTP: The SMTP tracking type allows you to send an email automatically when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [TPS] Send Slack Message: The Send Slack Message tracking type automatically sends Slack messages to a particular user or channel when a specific event takes place, ensuring timely alerts.
- [TPS] TikTok Ads: Track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on TikTok when the selected trigger event occurs.
- [TPS] Trusted Form Claim: The Trusted Form Claim tracking rule allows you to check the TrustedForm certificate in the lead data to verify its legitimacy.
- [TPS] Twilio: The Twilio tracking type allows you to set Twilio integration to send SMS automatically when the selected trigger event occurs.
To edit the tracking rule, click the “Config” button in the Actions” column.
Click the “Save Rule” button to apply changes.
To delete the tracking rule, click the “Delete” button in the Actions” column.
Type the corresponding ID in the pop-up window and click the “Delete” button to finish.
To test the existing tracking rule configuration, click the “Test Run” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Confirm” button to launch the test run.
The “API Access” tab
The “API Access” tab allows you to have API documentation, including the API Key, that provides access to the Dialing List for specific dialing requests within the related Campaign on PBX. It allows you to create, configure, and delete Dialing Requests within the associated Campaign.

The “API Access” tab contains the following information:
- Created: The date and time of the API record creation.
- Name: The name of the API record.
- Status: The current status of the API record.
- Assigned User: The name of the user that is assigned to the API record.
Note: If the assigned user is inactive, the API Key doesn’t work. - User Status: The current status of the assigned user.
- Allowed Lists: The name of the dialing list to which the API record is assigned.
- API ID: To view the ID number of the API record, click the “Show” button.
- API Key: To view the API Key from the API record, click the “Show” button.
Note: One API Key works only with one dialing request setting.
To add a new API record, click the “Add New API Key” button, and fill in the required fields in a pop-up window.
Click the “Add” button to finish.
To open the API Documentation, click the “Doc” button in the “Actions” column.
To change the API Password, click the “Change API Key” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Yes” button in the pop-up window to confirm your intention.
Note: This action will generate the new API Key automatically.
To configure the API Key, click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes.
To delete an API Key, click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” column.
Click the “Delete” button to confirm your intention in a pop-up window.
The “Call Script” tab
The "Call Script" enables you to create and manage the call script (scenarios for call conversations) that your operators will use for calls. It consists of instructions and prompts to guide your operators during phone conversations. This tool allows you to design the call process using different types of blocks. You can add conditional steps, insert text when necessary, invite other operators to join the ongoing call, and even set up payment details for your operators.
Read more about the Call Scripts in the Knowledge Base article.
To configure the Call Script, click the “Switch to Configuration Mode” button (the wrench icon on the left sidebar).
Use the list of available blocks (clickable) to add the new parts to the Call Script.
The “IVR” tab
The “IVR” tab allows you to set up a queue within the IVR system. This block serves as a trigger in the campaign, allowing the IVR process to complete and then transferring the call to the autodialer queue.
Switch the toggle to the “On” position to enable the IVR feature for the Campaign.
Click the “Switch to Configuration Mode” button (the wrench icon on the left sidebar) to make any changes in IVR.
Add and combine blocks to build your unique IVR within the specific Campaign. Read more about IVR blocks in this Knowledge Base article.
Click the “Build” (green tick) button to finalize the IVR schema.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes.
The “PL/DNPL” tab
The “PL/DNPL” tab allows you to configure Present or Do Not Present Lists for a Campaign and use them to filter calls based on the specified parameters.
Read more about the Do & Do Not Present Feature in this article.
The “PL/DNPL” tab contains the following fields:
- Select PL/DNPL to apply to this campaign: Select the PL/DNPL list(s) to add to the Campaign.
Click the “Save” button to apply changes.
Check the “PL/DNPL Settings to other Campaigns” box to copy the PL/DNPL settings of the current campaign to the list of the selected campaigns:
- Select more campaigns: Select campaigns from the drop-down list.