Looking to create, add new, or edit the existing IVR Blocks? Check our detailed guide to the IVR Blocks for more information.
The IVR blocks are parts of the IVR schema. You can edit the existing IVR schema or create a new IVR schema using the detailed description of available IVR blocks.
To edit the existing IVR schema or to create a new IVR schema, go to the Publisher Management > Setup > Call Routing / IVR section, and click the "Constructor" button or the "Create New IVR" button accordingly. Read about the “IVR” section in the Knowledge Base.
The list of the available IVR blocks (clickable):

- Intro.
- Play Sound.
- Hangup Reject Mess.
- Temp Deny List.
- Phone Number Deny List.
- IVR Branching.
- User's Input.
- Constant Input.
- Check Lead Return.
- Consent.
- Callback Request.
- DNPL Lookup.
- Mobile or Landline.
- Go to IVR.
- Go to Block.
- Go to Campaign.
- Find Buyer.
- Return Client.
- Ping to URL.
- Integration.
- Lead Stash.
- Audio CAPTCHA.
1. The “Intro” block
The “Intro” block allows the publisher to play the unique greeting for each reserved phone number. To add the “Intro” block to your IVR click the “Intro” icon in the blocks’ list.
To attach a specific audio file to the phone number go to the Publisher Management > Setup > Phone Numbers section, the “Reserved Phone Numbers” tab, and click the “Edit” button in the “Action” column.
Upload your unique greeting to the “Greeting Audio File” field and click the “Save” button.

The default greeting audio will be assigned to every phone number registered in the system. To set up the block with the default greeting audio file (the same for all publishers) click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field.
To upload a custom audio file, select the "My Audio File" radio button, and upload the file in the “Audio File for Keypad Mode” field.
To play audio for incoming calls from another Phonexa instance, select the “Play audio for intra-system incoming calls” checkbox.
Click the “Save” button.
To use an audio file from the Default IVR Messages, select the "Media Library" radio button, then select the default audio file from the "Media Library File" dropdown list.
Note: You can access all the Default Messages in the Global Media Library section. Read more about the Global Media Library in this Knowledge Base article.
Click the “Save” button.
To delegate the audio file creation to professional artists, select the “Professional Recordings” radio button. Select the record language in the “Message Language” drop-down list (English, French, Dutch, Russian, Italian, or Slovac) and enter the text to voice-over in the “Text Message for Keypad Mode” field. Click the “Save” button.

2. The “Play Sound” block
The “Play Sound” block plays the audio file, which was uploaded to the block. To add the “Play Sound” block to your IVR, click the “Play Sound” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field. Select the “My Audio File” radio button to upload an audio file, upload the file in the “Audio File for Keypad Mode” field. To play audio for incoming calls from another Phonexa instance, select the “Play audio for intra-system incoming calls” checkbox. Click the “Save” button.

To delegate audio file creation to professional artists, select the “Professional Recordings” radio button. Select the record language in the “Message Language” dropdown list (English, Slovac, Dutch, or Russian) and enter the text to voice over in the “Text Message for Keypad Mode” field. Click the “Save” button.

3. The “Hangup Reject Mess” block
The “Hangup Reject Message” block plays a unique reject message. The default reject message will not be played when the “Hangup Reject Message” block is used. It is not allowed to add any other blocks after the “Hangup Reject Message” block. To add the “Hangup Reject Message” block to your IVR, click the “Hangup Reject Message” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), and enter the block name to the “Title” field. Select the “My Audio File” radio button to upload an audio file, and upload the file in the “Audio File for Keypad Mode” field. To play audio for incoming calls from another Phonexa instance, select the “Play audio for intra-system incoming calls” checkbox.

To delegate the audio file creation to professional artists, select the “Professional Recordings” radio button. Select the record language in the “Message Language” drop-down list (English, Slovac, Dutch, or Russian), and enter the text to voice over in the “Text Message for Keypad Mode” field. Click the “Save” button.

4. The “Temp Deny List” block
The “Temp Deny List” block allows you to block a client temporarily for a specified period of time for a specific product. When the lead falls in the “Temp Deny List” block of the IVR scheme, he is recorded in the “Gray list” for the configured time. The “Gray list” is updated in real-time, so the client will be removed from the list automatically after the expiration of the block time. To add the “Temp Deny List” block to your IVR click the “Temp Deny List” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), enter the block name to the “Title” field, and fill in the “Hours”, “Minutes” and “Seconds” fields to establish the ban time. Click the “Save” button.

To view the list of blocked phone numbers, go to the System Management> General > Phone Number Deny List section. Read about the “Phone Number Deny List” section in the Knowledge Base.
5. The “Phone Number Deny List” block
The “Phone Number Deny List” block adds the lead’s phone number to the Deny List by each publisher’s phone number in the specific product. To add the “Phone Number Deny List” block to your IVR click the “Phone Number Deny List” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field.
To view the blocked phone numbers list, go to the System Management> General > Phone Number Deny List section. Read about the “Phone Number Deny List” section in the Knowledge Base.
6. The “IVR Branching” block
The “IVR Branching” block allows you to route calls depending on the lead input. The additional option “N” allows the IVR to route a call if there is no reply from a caller after a defined period (5-7 seconds). To add the “IVR Branching” block to your IVR, click the “IVR Branching” icon in the blocks list.

Read how to set up the “IVR Branching” block in the Knowledge Base.
7. The “User's Input” block
The “User's Input” block allows the lead to enter the data claimed by the filters. To add the “User's Input” block to your IVR click the “User's Input” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and fill in the following fields:
Title: Enter the block name.
My Audio File / Media Library / Professional Recordings: The corresponding radio button allows you to upload a custom audio file, select audio from default IVR messages, or delegate audio file creation to professional artists. When selecting the “Professional Recordings” radio button, the additional fields will appear.
Message Language: Select the record language (English, Slovac, Dutch, or Russian).
Text Message for Keypad Mode: Enter the text to voice over.
Field: Select the filter from the dropdown list.
Max Input Length: Enter the number of expected characters (if required).
- Press key to repeat question: Select the checkbox to play the message twice.
- Failed Voice Reconition Route: Select the action for the system if the system fails to recognize the answer:
- Hangup: Select to hangup the call.
- Go to Block: Select to forward the call to another IVR block.
- Go to Block: Select the block for the system to forward the call if the voice recognition fails
Note: Available blocks to forward the call, in this case, are “Find Buyer”, “Go to Campaign”, and “Go to IVR”. - Confirmation Phrase: Select the checkbox when confirmation is required. Enter the phrase next to it. Use keyword *value* as a placeholder for a recognized value. E.g., “Did you mean *value*?.”
Click the “Save” button.
8. The “Constant Input” block
The “Constant Input” block records the input data to the lead body. To add the “Constant Input” block to your IVR click the “Constant Input” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field. Select the filter in the “Field” dropdown list (ZIP, Is Military, SSN, etc.) and enter the data to the “Value” field.

9. The “Check Lead Return” block
The “Check Lead Return” block allows you to route a returning caller back to where they left off during the previous call if the lead calls back within the set timeframe. To add the “Check Lead Return” block to your IVR, click the “Check Lead Return” icon in the blocks’ list.

To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and fill in the following fields:
Title: Enter the name of the block.
Audio File for Find Buyer Transfer: If the lead were transferred to the buyer during the previous call, the Check Lead Return Block would navigate the lead back to the Find Buyer block. To set up an audio message for the Find Buyer block for returning callers, you may upload a custom audio file (select the “My Audio File'' radio button) or delegate the audio file creation to professional recording artists. To do it, select the “Professional Recordings'' radio button, then select the record language in the “Message Language'' drop-down menu (English, Slovac, Dutch, or Russian) and enter the text to voice over in the “Text Message for Keypad Mode” field.
Check Return Time Frame: Set the time frame to check if the lead called before by entering seconds, minutes, or/and hours in the corresponding fields.
Intro for Returning Callers: Select the checkbox to play a custom intro audio message for returning callers.
Audio File for Intro: Upload a custom intro audio file. You may upload a custom audio file (select the “My Audio File” radio button) or delegate the audio file creation to professional artists (select the “Professional Recordings” radio button).
Return confirmation: You can select the checkbox to turn the intro into the YES/NO logic block and let a caller decide to either continue from where they’d left the call or start over. If this checkbox is selected, the intro audio message should be phrased to support the YES/NO logic, e.g., “Welcome back! If you want to continue answering questions, say YES or press one, otherwise say No or press 2”. Note: this setting is optional.
Verification: Select the checkbox to ask callers to verify their identity.
Verification Field: Select the verification field from the dropdown menu, e.g., SSN, year of birth, etc. It should be information callers provide on the first steps of the IVR, so when they call back, there is data to check against to verify their identity.
Audio File for Verification: Upload an audio file for verification. You may upload a custom audio file (select the “My Audio File” radio button) or delegate the audio file creation to professional artists (select the “Professional Recordings” radio button)
Audio File for Failed Verification: Upload an audio message to be played if the verification failed. You may upload a custom audio file (select the “My Audio File” radio button) or delegate the audio file creation to professional artists (select the “Professional Recordings” radio button).
10. The “Consent” block
The “Consent” block allows you to collect and record a caller’s voice consent in IVR and ping a caller’s phone number to E-Delivery when the consent is obtained. You can add the block only to the IVR with the “Voice recognition + Keyboard” recognition type.
To add the “Consent” block to your IVR, click the “Consent” block icon in the blocks’ list.
11. The “Callback Request” block
The “Callback Request” block allows the lead to request a callback from the IVR. To add the “Callback Request” block to your IVR click the “Callback Request” icon in the blocks’ list.

To set up the block click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and fill in the following fields:
Title: Enter the block’s title.
Callback Setting: Select the active Callback in the drop-down menu. To create the callback, go to the Callbacks > Callback List section and click the “Add New Callback” button.
Ask callback time: Select the checkbox to let the IVR ask if the caller requires the callback.
Audio File for Time: Upload the audio file to ask the caller about the callback time. The caller should enter four digits, e.g., 1300. You can select to upload the custom audio file or delegate audio file creation to professional artists. When selecting the “Professional Recordings” radio button, the additional fields appear.
Audio File for Day Zone: Upload the audio file to ask the caller about the time of day. The caller should select AM or PM. You can select to upload the custom audio file or delegate audio file creation to professional artists. When selecting the “Professional Recordings” radio button, the additional fields appear.
Click the “Save” button.
12. The “DNPL Lookup” block
The “DNPL Lookup” block compares the lead data to the DNPL list according to the set filter. When the input data corresponds to the filter (the parameter is listed in the DNPL list), the call will be ended. When the parameter is not listed in the DNPL list the IVR continues. To add the “DNPL Lookup” block to your IVR click the “DNPL Lookup” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon). Enter the block name to the “Title” field, choose the filter in the “Field” dropdown list and select the blacklist from the “DNPL” dropdown list. To save the settings click the “Save” button.

The “DNPL Lookup” block allows you to fork the IVR. Select the “Y” button (corresponds to “yes”) to add an extra block and finish the IVR, and select the “N” button (corresponds to “no”) to continue the IVR.

To create the DNPL list, go to the Client Management > Setup > Present & Do Not Present Lists section. Read about the “Do & Do Not Present Lists” section in the Knowledge Base.
13. The “TCPA” block
The “TCPA” block allows you to perform real-time validation of lead phone numbers and assign them to the two categories - Good and Bad. To add the “TCPA” block to your IVR, click the “TCPA” block icon in the blocks’ list. Note: This option requires manual activation. Read about The TCPA Block configuration in the Knowledge Base.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon). Enter the block name to the “Title” field and select the IVR Integration in the “Integration” dropdown menu. Click the “Save” button.

Note: You can not add the “TCPA” block between other IVR blocks. In case you have an existing completed IVR, you can add this block only to the end of the IVR process. In another way, you need to create a new IVR.
The “TCPA” block allows you to route the IVR. Click the “Good” button to build up the IVR branch for the phone numbers that were identified as good. Click the “Bad” button to build up the IVR branch for the phone numbers that were identified as bad.

14. The “Mobile or Landline” block
The “Mobile or Landline” block automatically verifies the phone number (mobile or landline) and routes the call according to the autodetection. To add the “Mobile or Landline” block to your IVR click the “Mobile or Landline” icon in the blocks’ list.
The “Mobile or Landline” block branches out to the “Mobile” line (the “M” icon) and the “Landline” line (the “L” icon).

To set up the block, select the icon, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field.

15. The “Go to IVR” block
The “Go to IVR” block allows you to redirect clients from one IVR to another. The “Go to IVR” block can distribute calls by the product. When switching to IVR in the same product, it transfers to a new IVR without creating a new call. When switching to a different product's IVR, the unit initiates call termination on the current IVR product and "creates" a new call to the new product. As a result, there will be two leads in Lead Details. To add the “Go to IVR” block to your IVR click the “Go to IVR” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), enter the block name to the “Title” field, and select the IVR from the “Go to IVR” dropdown list.

16. The “Go to Block” block
The “Go to Block” block allows the lead to get back to any preselected block within the IVR. To add the “Go to Block” block to your IVR click the “Go to Block” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), enter the block name to the “Title” field, select the block the call should be transferred to in the “Go to Block” dropdown list and click the “Save” button.

17. The “Go to Campaign” block
The “Go to Campaign” block directs calls to a specific campaign bypassing all the filters. If the buyer is active, they will accept the call. To add the “Go to Campaign” block to your IVR, click the “Go to Campaign” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), enter the block name to the “Title” field, and select the campaign from the “Go to Campaign” dropdown list.

18. The “Find Buyer” block
The “Find Buyer” block allows you to configure the search for a Buyer according to the specified parameters, as well as organize the distribution of leads for Campaigns.
To add the “Find Buyer” block to your IVR, click the “Find Buyer” icon in the blocks’ list.
Note: No blocks are allowed to be placed after the "Find Buyer" block, except the "Go To IVR" block, the “Hangup Reject Message” block, or another "Find Buyer" block. Read about how to configure the "Find Buyer" block in this Knowledge Base article.
19. The “Return Client” block
The “Return Client” block checks the lead’s last sale to the campaign within X days and suggests the lead to connect the same buyer. Depending on the lead’s choice the block will redirect to the campaign, which it was already sold to, or a new campaign will be selected on a regular basis. To add the “Return Client” block to your IVR, click the “Hangup Reject Mess” icon in the blocks’ list.
To set up the block, click the “Block Settings” button (the button with the “Gear” icon) and enter the block name to the “Title” field. Select the “My Audio File” radio button to upload an audio file, and upload the file in the “Audio File for Keypad Mode” field. To set up the time for the system to check how much time has passed since the lead sale, enter the number of days and/or hours to the “Return client during” and click the “Save” button.

To delegate the audio file creation to professional artists, select the “Professional Recordings” radio button. Select the record language in the “Message Language” drop-down list (English, Slovac, Dutch, or Russian) and enter the text to voice over in the “Text Message for Keypad Mode” field. To set up the check time since the lead the last sale, enter the number of days and/or hours to the “Return client during” and click the “Save” button.

20. The “Ping To URL” block
The “Ping To URL” block allows you to set up different integrations in the block.
To add the “Ping To URL” block to your IVR select the “Ping To URL” icon from the list of blocks and click it.
To set up the “Ping To URL” block click the “Configure” button (the button with the “Gear” icon), fill in the “Title” field, and choose the integration from the “Integration” dropdown list.
Read more about how to set up different integrations in the "Ping to URL" block in this Knowledge Base article.
21. The "Integration" Block
The “Integration” block allows you to set up different tracking actions when callers reach this point in IVR. This feature makes your IVR more dynamic and personalized for callers. This functionality enhances the flexibility of your IVR, enabling it to respond dynamically to caller behavior.
To add the “Integration” block, click the “Integration” icon in the blocks’ list.
Read more about the “Integration” block in the Knowledge Base article.
22. The “Lead Stash” Block
The “Lead Stash” block allows you to search for lead information in the Lead Stash based on the set parameters, then routes the call based on the results of the search. If the lead information is found in the Lead Stash, IVR blocks will be pre-filled with the lead information and the caller will skip these blocks. The data for a specific lead can be searched within the time frame selected in settings.
To add the “Lead Stash” block to your IVR, click the “Lead Stash” icon in the blocks’ list.
The “Lead Stash” block allows you to route the IVR. The “Y” button corresponds to “yes,” (if the caller’s data was found in the Lead Stash), and the “N” button corresponds to “no” (if the caller’s data was not found).

Read more about the “Lead Stash” block in the Knowledge Base.
23. The “Audio CAPTCHA” Block
The “Audio CAPTCHA” block allows you to filter out spam or bot calls by requesting callers to input a random code that is unique for every call to continue.
If the caller inputs the code correctly, the call will be routed to the “Y” branch. If the caller inputs the incorrect code, the call will go to the "N" branch that can end the call or temporarily block the caller.

Read more about the “Audio CAPTCHA” block in the Knowledge Base.