Event Tracking (Opt-Intel)

Event Tracking allows you to track the various events in the system (email contact added, email contact deleted, phone contact added, phone contact deleted) and set the actions to be automatically triggered by them. 

The Event Tracking configuration is available on the different setup levels.

Project Settings Level

Email Campaign Level

SMS Campaign Level

Email Opt-Out Lists

Phone Number Opt-Out Lists

Event Tracking Types

Configuration Levels

Project Level

The Project Level Tracking configuration is available for the Global Admin system role. 

To set the Tracking Rule on the Project Settings level, go to the System Management > General > Project Settings section, select the “Opt-Intel” tab, and then go to the “Tracking” subtab.

To add a new tracking rule on the Project Settings level, click the “Add Rule” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Trigger: Select the trigger event
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Added: Fires every time when a contact is added.
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Deleted:  Fires every time when a contact is deleted.
  • Action: Select the action that should be performed after the trigger event is fired.

Click the “Next” button to proceed. 

Fill in the following fields in the “Trigger Settings” block of the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Contacts List: Select the corresponding Contact List. 
  • Mailers: Select the corresponding Mailer. 

Fill in the next fields depending on the event tracking type according to the corresponding article with the detailed description of the tracking type settings in the “Event Tracking Types” section of the ongoing article. 

Email Campaign Level

To set the Tracking Rule for the particular Email Campaign, go to the Campaigns > Email Campaigns section, select the corresponding Email Campaign from the list, and click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column. 

Select the “Tracking” tab in the “Email Campaign edit” section. 

To add a new tracking rule on the Email Campaign level, click the “Add Rule” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Trigger: Select the trigger event
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Added: Fires every time when a contact is added.
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Deleted:  Fires every time when a contact is deleted.
  • Action: Select the action that should be performed after the trigger event is fired.

Click the “Next” button to proceed. 

Fill in the following field in the “Trigger Settings” block of the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Mailers: Select the corresponding Mailer. 

Fill in the next fields depending on the event tracking type according to the corresponding article with the detailed description of the tracking type settings in the “Event Tracking Types” section of the ongoing article. 

SMS Campaign Level

To set the Tracking Rule for the particular SMS Campaign, go to the Campaigns > SMS Campaigns section, select the corresponding SMS Campaign from the list, and click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” column. 

Select the “Tracking” tab in the “SMS Campaign edit” section. 

To add a new tracking rule on the SMS Campaign level, click the “Add Rule” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Trigger: Select the trigger event
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Added: Fires every time when a contact is added.
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Deleted:  Fires every time when a contact is deleted.
  • Action: Select the action that should be performed after the trigger event is fired.

Click the “Next” button to proceed. 

Fill in the following field in the “Trigger Settings” block of the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Mailers: Select the corresponding Mailer. 

Fill in the next fields depending on the event tracking type according to the corresponding article with the detailed description of the tracking type settings in the “Event Tracking Types” section of the ongoing article. 

Email Opt-Out Lists

To set the Tracking Rule for the particular Email List, go to the List Management > Email Opt-out Lists section, select the corresponding Email Opt-Out List, and click the “Edit” button. 

Select the “Tracking” tab in the “List edit” section. 

To add a new tracking rule on the Email Opt-Out List level, click the “Add Rule” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Trigger: Select the trigger event
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Added: Fires every time when a contact is added.
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Deleted:  Fires every time when a contact is deleted.
  • Action: Select the action that should be performed after the trigger event is fired.

Click the “Next” button to proceed. 

Phone Number Opt-Out Lists

To set the Tracking Rule for the particular Phone Number Opt-Out List, go to the List Management > Phone Number Opt-Out Lists section, select the corresponding Phone Number Opt-Out List, and click the “Edit” button. 

Select the “Tracking” tab in the “Phone Number edit” section. 

To add a new tracking rule on the Phone Number Opt-Out List level, click the “Add Rule” button and fill in the following fields in the “Add Rule” pop-up window:

  • Trigger: Select the trigger event
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Added: Fires every time when a contact is added.
    • [Opt-Intel] Contact Deleted:  Fires every time when a contact is deleted.
  • Action: Select the action that should be performed after the trigger event is fired.

Click the “Next” button to proceed. 

Event Tracking Types

Find the list of available Event Tracking Types in the system. To set up the event action and trigger, and configure the rule for all configuration levels, click the appropriate Tracking Type to read a detailed article.